“Be Brave – take risks nothing can substitute experience”

Paulo Coelho


Have you ever heard of risk-free success?

In a world where everything comes for a price, people want easy fruits with minimal risk. If you are brave enough to dream, the first step to fulfilling it is by taking steps needed to reach your destination.

No one knows the exact outcome of the seeds they sow in pursuit of achieving their goals. If you are starting a new business, or say entering into an entire new career, it is natural to get scared or have self doubts. All you need to do is acknowledge your fear by looking within, gather hope and be brave enough to nail it by giving your BEST shot!

What happens when you do this? You might succeed, or let’s say you don’t. What you will have earned is the “experience” that comes from the jump. When you look at the first attempt and learn from mistakes, you will have a new confidence that will help you keep going.

Be brave enough to take that first step. Because what comes from experience does not come from anything else.