
Writing heals the Soul

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There Is No Path

There Is No Path

"There is no path"  THERE IS NO PATH“We are at a crossroads. You leave with your joys and problems, I with mine. Alone, I look down the road. Each one must walk one’s own path” Deng - Ming - Dao⁠ ⁠ People’s paths come together for certain periods of time, whether...

Take A Risk

Take A Risk

"Be Brave - take risks nothing can substitute experience" Paulo CoelhoTAKE A RISK Have you ever heard of risk-free success? In a world where everything comes for a price, people want easy fruits with minimal risk. If you are brave enough to dream, the first step to...

Observe Your Feelings

Observe Your Feelings

The key word is ‘feeling’. How are you TRULY feeling? This is not what you are showing the world, not the mask that you have up, but underneath all of that can you access what your real feelings are? Being vulnerable with ourselves starts with being…

Dare to Look Inwards

Dare to Look Inwards

Looking inwards is definitely not easy to do. I think we all have a tendency to blame the outside world for what is going on (much, much easier to do, right!?!). Whether that is blaming circumstances, people, relationships, parents, karma, God, the…

Finding Nature in Africa

Finding Nature in Africa

Most people believe that humans are the most important aspect of life. If you think about the way we live our lives, all of our attention goes to human beings. It is either ourselves, or the people around us. Even on the news and television, everything…