Inner Teenager 2 hour – Masterclass

Join Us for a 2-Hour Online Inner Teenager Masterclass with Svarup



Discover powerful tools to re-nourish your inner teenager and re-discover your passion, purpose and longing. Join us for a 2-hour online masterclass, led by Svarup. This session is designed to equip you with techniques to nurture your inner teenager’s needs.

About the Masterclass

Join us to reconnect with the sensitive, creative, and essential part of yourself in our 2 hour online inner teenager masterclass.

Within each of us resides our inner teenager. Despite having grown into adult bodies, we may believe that our teenage years are long behind us. However, somewhere within us, that frustrated, scared, and embarrassed teen still lives, influencing our thoughts, words, and actions.

In this 2-hour live experience, we’ll guide you through a journey of healing and self-discovery tailored specifically for your inner teenager. Through simple interactive exercises and compassionate exploration, explore what the journey of the inner teenager looks like for you.

Masterclass Highlights

* Reconnect with Your Inner Teenager

Learn tools to nourish your inner teenager, nurturing its needs and aspirations. Experience the transformative effects of acknowledging past wounds.

* Foster Individuation

Get a taster into what the process of integrating and individuating looks like. 

* Heal from Family Challenges

If family dynamics have influenced your journey, understand the impact and gain insights and tools for self-exploration.

* Embrace Qualities

As a teenager you had some qualities – passion, sensitivity, longing, creativity. However, as we journey through life, our experiences can obscure these innate qualities. Reconnect with this wellspring within you.

Why This Masterclass Matters

* Expert Guidance:

Benefit from Svarup’s wisdom, honed through years of experience in healing from dysfunctional family dynamics. Gain insights that will empower your journey towards wholeness.

* Community Connection:

Engage with like-minded individuals who share similar experiences. Build a supportive community and grow together.

* Practical Tools:

Leave with actionable tools ready to be integrated into your daily life, aiding you in navigating challenges. Transform your inner child through self-compassion practices.

Event Details


5th September 2024 – online zoom class

5pm – 7pm UK GMT TIME
2 hours

Zoom Link sent via email a week before event

Svarup – Primal Therapist

Only £15

Class Investment

Investment: only £15

If you are unable to contribute any amount please reach out to us via email: for a coupon code.

As a thank-you you can send us a personal question for Svarup, to be in our live class.

STEP 1 – Complete name and email.
STEP 2 – Complete payment.
STEP 3 – Receive email with confirmation. Link sent a week before event.


Ready to embark on this journey – Reserve Your Place Today.

2 hour Teenager Masterclass

What to Expect

About Svarup – Primal Therapist:

With over 35 years of experience, Svarup is an inspiration in inner child therapy, specialising in deconditioning work, adolescence, sexuality, and essence. Her deep intuitive wisdom and loving guidance have impacted thousands globally. Together Svarup and Premartha are the authors of two books: Twice Born, The Little Buddha and the Cosmos.

Led by the experienced and empathetic facilitator, Svarup this masterclass includes

* A guided meditation exercise

* Techniques and tools for seamlessly integrating healing into your daily routine

* Interactive Q&A sessions

* A glimpse into our comprehensive 10-session Inner Child Process

Who is this for? 

Deep Thinkers and Philosophical Minds: Individuals who enjoy pondering life’s complexities, questioning the meaning of existence, and exploring the depths of their consciousness.

Change Agents and Social Activists: People who are passionate about making positive change in the world, driven by a desire to address societal issues and create a more just and compassionate society.

Artists and Creatives: Creative individuals who use art, writing, music, or other forms of expression as a means to explore their inner world and communicate their unique perspectives. Individuals Interested in Psychology and Inner Work: Anyone curious about psychology, inner work, and understanding the impact of childhood experiences on adult life could benefit from the insights shared in this masterclass.

People Going Through Life Transitions: Those who are experiencing significant life changes, such as divorce, career shifts, or major personal transformations, might find guidance and support in this masterclass.

Therapists and Counselors: Mental health professionals might be interested in this masterclass to gain insights into techniques for working with clients who are dealing with inner child issues or dysfunctional family dynamics.

Individuals with Trauma or Dysfunctional Family Backgrounds: This masterclass would be especially relevant for individuals who have experienced trauma or challenging family dynamics in their past. It offers tools for healing and addressing the impact of these experiences.

Anyone who has completed Primal / Tantra in the past: If you have completed Primal or Tantra work with Svarup this can be a refresher and reconnection to the work

Get a taste of our upcoming 10-session journey starting in January. This masterclass provides insights and details about the full journey.

Have Questions? We are here: For any enquiries or assistance, feel free to reach
out to us at You are welcome to invite a friend.