Listen in to this insightful dialogue with Svagito – Family Constellation and Trauma Therapist on looking at ties that bind us.
Dive into a thought – provoking conversation
with Svagito, a Family Constellation and Trauma Therapist as we
delve into the intricate ties that bind us.
…Explore topics ranging from the conflict in Israel and Palestine to the complexities of identifications and family bonds. Listen now directly by sharing your name and email to be taken to the interview page. You will also receive an email to revisit it at your convenience. To engage in comments and thoughts about the interview we will also share the you tube link with you.
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… is a psychotherapist and spiritual teacher who has been a disciple of the enlightened mystic, Osho, since 1980. In his courses and training groups he combines Western therapy methods with Eastern methods of meditation, and is known for his clarity and heartfulness in teaching and supporting people in their personal growth.
He has trained hundreds of practitioners worldwide in the art of working with people from a space of meditation and lovingness. For many years he coordinated the two-month Osho Therapist Training Programme at the Osho International Meditation Resort in Pune, India, one of the largest personal- growth centers in the world. Every year, he travels extensively throughout Europe, Asia, Central and South America, offering courses and training programmes in over 15 different countries.
Svagito has published 4 books, which have been translated into 9 languages.
Prem and Bhavi attended his Part One Zen Counselling Training in Turkey in 2023 which was deeply impactful for them – and felt inspired to interview him.
For more information about his work or courses, please send an e-mail to:
To check out Svagito’s website and his upcoming schedule of groups visit his website at:

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